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Setup your first show for online entry


Online entry for shows is FREE if you have less than 50 classes and don't need to download data. If you choose to pay for online entry, then we provide the data for you as either a spreadsheet to manipulate as you want or we can produce the paperwork for you. If you have the Just Equestrian Show Management Software, you can also download the online entries into the program (no typing in!) and use the powerful management and reporting within that system.


Lets get started. Follow the steps below once you have opened and logged in to the website in a new window so you can swap between them. 


This is best worked through on a desktop/tablet  ... not your mobile phone!           

 01  Add your event to the show listing


Add your show/event to the calendar listing with venue, open and closing dates, disciplines involved and other related information. You can add other information as you go or later. Be sure to tick to make each info item public or it won't appear for viewing by the public. 



 02  Select Template and associated categories


There are a number of built-in templates within the Main-Events system that cover most equestrian activities. If you have a different kind of event, get in touch and together we can come up with a new template that works. Provided it is useful for other potential clients, you will not be charged for this. 


 03  Type in Class/Event Details 


If your show is a small one and you are opting for the free version, then you can type your classes in with entry fees, ring/location, prize money, start times and special conditions. Otherwise, if you have the Just Equestrian software, you don't type them in ... you generate and upload a file. Each class must have a unique class number over the whole show. The details you need to provide are determined by the selected template. This can be added or edited to suit. If paying for paperwork or downloads, we will need a spreadsheet of your classes. 



 04  JUST EQUESTRIAN - upload class details


If using the Just Equestrian software, there is built in functionality to upload all your classes as one batch which can be re-uploaded with changes if required (provided no one has entered those classes). See Just Equestrian documentation for more information. Each class has an associated entry fee.



 05  ONLINE ENTRY MENU - General Setup


In this step, you add an INTRODUCTION that will appear above the ENTER NOW button on the website so use it to emphasize things entrants need to know before they start the process. The ONLINE ENTRY TERMS AND CONDITIONS can be copied from another schedule document and pasted into this area. It is what the entrant ticks to say they agree to terms and conditions by entering. 

 06  ONLINE ENTRY MENU - Customer Requirements


You MUST have at least one Customer Requirement that is compulsory for those entering. We usually choose something innocuous like "Staying on the grounds?" We recommend you stick with options presented, but you can add in your own if required.



 07  ONLINE ENTRY MENU - Setup Fees


In this step, you check and edit your GLOBAL SETTINGS which define when entries open or close and if you allow late entries after the closing date, what % do you want to charge. The discounts and cancelations are not implemented at this level. FEES are what you charge for entry to the show that does NOT include entry fees - except if your entry fee is one fee charged for all classes. Group fees under a CATEGORY if you have quite a few fees - otherwise, just add a category FEES and then add all fees under it. 



 08  ONLINE ENTRY MENU - Payment options


You have four main options for payment including - cheque (outdated but available), direct credit to your bank, PayPal, credit card (through PayPal) or PoliPay for NZ and Australia. You can choose one or more of these options as part of the online process. 



 09  Specify Admins for site access


If you added the show to the calendar listing, then you will automatically be given full administration rights to the show. If you want another registered user of the Main-Events website to also have access, you can add them here. Tick if you want to receive an emailed copy of each entry. There is an option here to give CONTENT only access for those livescoring at the show or uploading news.



 10  Done!  Now contact us and let your clients know to enter


All elements are now in place - now email so we can check everything is in place before the show goes live. At this point, you can let us know if you want the free version (emails only), paperwork provided or downloads made available.  We have some hints on letting your clients know how to access your show. 

© 2022 by Main-Events Software Ltd. 

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