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Show Management Software

​ provides the online entry portal for equestrian events. We then have a range of software that merges with the entries provided online into powerful show management software to run better shows. For smaller shows, the Discovery Software provides all you need to manage and report on any show ... but the Just Equestrian Software gives you more tools to run big shows with multiple people involved.

Discovery Software


Discovery is the software that does the hard work for you! A great first step.


It links in with the online entry system for equestrian sports. It is straight forward and easy to work with. You download your online entries into Discovery and then upload back draws and results online once processed.

Just Equestrian Software


Just Equestrian Software is the professional's tool of choice.


It provides more functionality when working with big shows, multiple rings and various categories.


You can track officials, trophies, budgets, sponsors, timetabling and more!

Agricultural & Pastoral Shows


Based on the Just Equestrian Software, this version includes more reporting specific to other categories such as sheep, cattle, pigs, poutry, home industry & others.


Entry online targets different questions for different categories.

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Dressage & Jumping Scoring


With built-in NZ tests for ESNZ dressage and NZ Pony Club, you can be up and running in no time. Or you can add your own tests as a template to select from in future. 


Score dressage down the page in a natural format that matches the dressage test layout. Score XC or jumping across the page.  We make it easy. 

Dragon Drop Stabling


Stabling is an important job when running a great show. We have a system that allows you to drag a horse to a map for your show. And drag on the map to another location if needed.


The map is customised to your show. An absolute must have when running big shows!

Online entry for Developers


The Main-Events Online Entry system was designed as a tool that can be used by other developers to provide online entry for their event management software. 

Email the support team for more information and data specifications.

© 2022 by Main-Events Software Ltd. 

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