Frequently Asked Questions
Below are top 10 questions that we are frequently asked by show managers and/or riders competing at the various events.
See also: Top 10 Tips for Users 10 Things you might not know
01 How can I change my email login?
It is important that you don't create a new email login as your horses and the shows you have attended are all linked to your email login. If your email has changed, login with your "old" email, and under the login go to your MY MAIN-EVENTS profile area. Click on the OTHER INFO button under your name and details. Then from the menu on the far right, click on EDIT USER REGISTRATION and change your email address there.
02 How can I delete horses that I don't have anymore?
We don't advise that you delete horses as some time in the future you might want to refer back to their details and results online. To delete a horse from your MY MAIN-EVENTS profile area, click on the COMPETITORS tab and then on the far right under Status, click on the blue double arrows to change to DELETED. Another option if you want to keep the horse on file would be to rename the horse so it has a ZZ in front of its name so it is at the bottom of your list when entering a show and thereby out of the way - eg "Beauty" to "ZZ Beauty".
03 Can I combine two logins into one?
You will need to contact the Main-Events Support Team for this. Email
04 I didn't get a notification that I registered as a user?
Check your spam folder as the verification notice is sent out automatically and usually within 5 minutes depending on your email server. If not there, then contact us at and we can activate your account manually.
05 How can I change my name, phone and/or address?
Login and then in the MY MAIN-EVENTS profile area, click on the blue button Phone Numbers and Addresses.and make your changes there. Note - the phone number you use as you do your online can be changed at that stage but does not save. You have to make the change under MY MAIN-EVENTS profile area for it to be permanent.
06 My entries have doubled up online!
Yes, this happens. Usually when dealing with a slow internet so you think they haven't gone through and you start another entry. You can't change this as that requires admin permissions to "delete" one entry. Add a message for the show secretary under the ONLINE ENTRY tab and they can make the necessary changes to both the class entries and fees. Do not ever enter the show again from a different login as that will double up as you become two customers with two emails so are considered two different people.
07 Polipay won't work for my bank. What can I do?
Do your entries as usual. Start the PoliPay process and when the small popup form appears, CANCEL it. Your entries have been saved but are flagged as an ERROR that the show secretary should pick up on. Then use the CLASS CHANGES/OTHER MESSAGES from the ONLINE ENTRY tab to ask the show secretary for the show's bank account number so you can pay by direct credit. This should be done within 3 days or the show may cancel your entries.
08 Can I get a copy of my entries?
Login, and click on the MY MAIN-EVENTS profile area just under the login. Go to the tab ONLINE ENTRY, find the show in the list and click on the blue magnifying glass on the left to view a snapshot of your online entries and fees. If you made changes on the day with the show secretary, you will have to ask for an updated Record of Entries from the office.
09 How do I get a GST receipt?
Most smaller shows are not registered for GST but for those that are, if you are GST registered, then you need to use the CLASS CHANGES/OTHER MESSAGES from the ONLINE ENTRY tab to ask the show secretary for one. Some shows will ask as part of the Customer requirements if you require a GST receipt and this will then be emailed automatically after the show. But again, use the messages to remind the show secretary.
10 My Facebook login won't let me login.
Please contact our support team and we can set a password so you can login without Facebook. You can then change that password at any stage. Again, don't be tempted to set up a new email login or you will lose your existing competitors, show entries and results.